success stories
I love running, but have been perpetually hurt every single year - typically bad calf strains twice a year that required 4-6 weeks of physical therapy. I heard about a demo for Chi Running that Marc was hosting and decided to give it a try. It was definitely a different style than I was used to, but Marc was great at training 'in small steps' - i.e. work on ONE particular change each run, next run work on a different one, and so on.
After a few months of using the chi running method, I was feeling so confident, I decided to try for my first marathon! Marc created a completely customized training program for me and monitored it closely through the mobile app. It was very easy to use and follow. Marc was fantastic in being there for me literally every step of the way - whenever I had questions, concerns, or issues about the training modules, he followed up immediately. His positive, calming attitude really set me at ease and gave me the confidence I needed for the training and race.
I still can't believe that I was able to finish my first marathon and INJURY FREE! I also felt much better after the race than I ever expected. I definitely recommend chi running and Marc as a trainer. Looking forward to the next marathon!
-Rich B

Marc is an outstanding coach! I hadn’t run a marathon in almost 5 years and wasn’t sure I could, given injuries I’d experienced from training. I knew I had to do something different, and Marc was the answer. He helped me integrate Chi Running concepts into my running form, provided a perfect marathon training plan geared to my needs, and hands-on coaching along the way. I finished NYC marathon in 3:35, placed high in my age group and recovered quickly, injury free. Marc’s wisdom and support enabled that and I highly recommend him!
-Rob C.
I’m currently a sophomore in high school, and I started running the summer before my freshman year. Right from the get-go, I knew I’d found my new passion. However, soon after I started running competitively in cross country, I became stuck in a cycle of injuries that caused bilateral stress fractures. Needless to say, I needed help. Marc provided me with the key insight and guidance, and he patiently coached me through the injuries. This past month, I’ve finally been running consistently without pain, and without Marc, I’d definitely still be hurt and not improving. His holistic approach to running and racing has given me insight that I’ll carry on with me for the rest of my life. Not only is Marc an incredible runner and coach, but he is also a compassionate and intelligent person that is capable of making an amazing runner out of anyone. Because of Marc, I know I’ll improve from my current mile PR of 5:18, and I’ll be well-prepared for the upcoming cross country season.
I am writing to express my thoughts and gratitude for Marc Waxman and ChiRunning. I am a mother of a high school athlete, Emily. She began running in the summer of 2016 before her freshman year. She found what she loved.
She would start out strong for her season but, invariably, she would have pain and injuries by the time the season ended. It was an endless cycle of injury-heal-run-injury. The high school coaches did nothing to address form, technique or injury prevention. It was disheartening and very frustrating.
I had taken a course in Chi Running some years ago and I felt this was the direction we needed to go. My searching led me to Marc Waxman. His passion for running, learning, helping others - it is inspiring. Emily is learning about running but also learning about herself, her goals, and the dedication needed to reach those goals. I will not speak for my daughter but as a mother of a high school athlete. Coach Waxman has been a very positive influence on her running and our relationship as mother and daughter. He approaches training in a holistic way. Everything is connected and influences ability and performance. Coach Marc has the experience and knowledge yet he remains humble, letting his art speak for itself.
Emily ran her first meet in many weeks last week and achieved her PR for that event. Even more important, she is injury free and doing what she loves. That is priceless.

Having Marc Waxman as my ChiRunning coach has changed my life!! Marc is an amazing teacher and has taught me how to run injury free!! This was not easy since I was a true heel striker which caused me to have four tibial stress fractures in three years while trying to train for the marathon.
After my fourth stress fracture where my doctors ruled out causes due to bone density or vitamin D levels since all the test showed great results, the consensus was that I needed to relearn how to run!!
Research led me to ChiRunning and most importantly, Marc Waxman! At my first ChiRunning workshop I was amazed at Marc’s ability to teach. I was not surprised to learn he had a teaching background. Marc has helped me to learn how to run effectively and efficiently through guided runs and having me think about “form focuses” which he includes in my online training plan.
This past week I got a chance to use my training in the Providence Marathon. I came away injury free with a PR! A win win for me thanks to Marc and all his guidance. My goal is to Boston Qualify and although I did not achieve that on this attempt, I am confident that Marc will get me there! “I can and I will” is my motto but in reality I couldn’t come close without Marc!
I am looking forward to beginning another training cycle of guided runs with Marc along with ChiRunning “form focuses” on the Final Surge training plan. I know I’ll enjoy the challenge and like implementing and practicing the ChiRunning form on my runs. I truly believe Marc is the reason I am now finally able to run injury free. His ability to teach the ChiRunning technique along with smart coaching is crucial to my success as a runner.
-Donna C.
55 year old marathon runner :)

I want to give a shout out to Marc Waxman and his training services. Marc is such a positive influence on a runner's mental state in preparing for the most important part of the race - the training! Marc works with the runner's goals and abilities to tailor a training regimen that works for the runner, then encourages the runner to make the most of his/her training. Marc's advice was invaluable, and he was there every step of the way, all the way up until the night of the race. In my case, I trained with Marc on what turned out to be one of the toughest runs I've ever done - the 2018 Boston Marathon. Facing a constant downpour and 30 mph headwinds, I turned in a great time and finished with a Boston Qualifier time! I felt strong and fast at the end, and it all started with the training plan that Marc put together for me. Add to that the ease of use of the technology Marc uses to manage the training plan (Final Surge), and I give my highest recommendation to Marc's services.
When I learned I had the amazing opportunity to run the 2018 Boston Marathon, I knew I needed to hire Marc as my coach to help me reach my goal of running a marathon under 5 hours. Marc not only guided me through the 18 weeks of training with an amazing plan, but taught me about Easy Runs, Tempo/Speed Runs and Strength Runs, as well as making sure I was properly practicing the ChiRunning focuses. When I trained for my previous marathons, by the time race day arrived I was tired (mentally and physically) from the training. Throughout the 18 weeks of Marc’s training I felt fantastic! I was training hard, but because his training plan made sure I was running the appropriate paces (easy, strength, Tempo/speed) and mileage at the proper times, my body recovered when it needed to, and I was prepared for the harder training days, so I never felt over trained. Because of Marc’s training, guidance and mentoring I finished the 2018 Boston Marathon in 4:58:31 despite Mother Nature throwing everything she had at us on that day. I made my goal of completing the marathon under 5 hours because I was coached Marc!!
Marc is more than just a coach to me. He is a teacher. A mentor. A person to look up to. He always knows just how hard to push me; hard enough to make me stronger, but not so hard as to burn me out. He knows when I am tired and need a rest and when I can go again. Most importantly, he has taught me to have confidence in myself and how to love running, so much so that when I run, all that I feel is freedom. Thank you, Marc.
-Riley B. (12 years old), worked with Marc to successfully train for many races over the past two years.
It feels great to be writing a success story to share my experience of ChiRunning and being coached by Marc. My friend in the picture, Susan, introduced me to Marc and ChiRunning after she attended one of his workshops. I was looking for a coach and had just had broken a bone in my foot after the Boston Marathon so the sounds of learning to run with less stress on the body spoke to me, plus I am 55 and I can no longer deny the body does change.
Susan and I trained for Providence 2019 with Marc. The training was with me that day and I felt strong and confident for 26.2 miles. Although my finish time 3:48 was a few minutes more than my race goal, I am clear on why and what I can do different, and that is what feels like success. I am looking forward to Chicago 2019 to keep building on what ChiRunning with Marc has taught me.
Learning the ChiRunning with Marc as coach has felt like a wake up to change old patterns that the body automatically does, and for me I feel a lift in my form and a lighter step when running. This has helped me change old beliefs about the fears of running more miles as I get older. ChiRunning helps me stay connected with who I am as a runner - I love to run and have since 5th grade. When Marc re-introduced me to how natural running is when we are kids I was like- hey this feels fun again!
For me the guided runs with Marc were key in helping my old body learn new ways. The cues I get in the daily workouts help me practice so my body can remember verses thinking about what I am “supposed” to be doing. I now have a Marc tape in my mind, and he is a really good teacher- very patient. Marc also practices what he teaches and he loves to run too. I find Marc to be a coach that listens first and plans second. I like that he gets a sense of what my goals are and guides me that way.
And finally the Chi in ChiRunning is a powerful connection for me, as a runner, as a therapist, as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, and as a yogi. It is the way I balance myself and to bring that into my runner within is like wow ! A sense of enlightenment and energy from the chi is great “sole” food.
Happy Running, Meg

So happy I found Marc! I was battling arch and heel pain for several years so I attended a ChiRunning workshop.
Yes! It works!
Before the workshop, I had just started up swimming and biking after a 15 year hiatus. I wanted to try a triathlon, but the 3 mile run that ends these races was a big deal for me. The arch pain was holding me back.
After Marc's workshop and glute exercises, my running form improved over the summer so I could run with NO PAIN the following day. I felt so good that I wanted to try the longer triathlon race that ends in a 10K. But that 6 mile number was a mental barrier. So I signed up with Marc for online training and guided runs.
Some really cool things happened: I can run with NO arch/heel pain! I'm not sore the next day. I feel stronger. I'm faster! I hit the podium in my age group. Going out for a 6 mile run is now no big deal. My feet don't hurt!
Another cool thing happened that I didn't expect: Marc's coaching helped me in the swim and bike. Part of Marc's coaching involves "form focuses" and "body scans." I applied the same concept to the swim and it was magic. I just signed up for my first half-marathon and I'm confident that Marc's coaching will get me there!
-Mary D.